
This package appears to contain a pickled cache of reStructuredText (*.rst) documentation in a .doctree file.

These are not needed to display the documentation correctly and as they can contain absolute build paths can affect the reproducibility of the package.

The easiest way to prevent this is to use the --with=sphinxdoc debhelper sequence or to add an explicit call to dh_sphinxdoc. This will then require a dependency on ${sphinxdoc:Depends} for the relevant binary package.

Either prevent the installation of the .doctree file (or parent doctrees directory if there is one) or pass the -d option to sphinx-build(1) to create the caches elsewhere.

For example:

        PYTHONPATH=. sphinx-build -bman docs/ -d debian/doctrees docs/build/html
        PYTHONPATH=. sphinx-build -bhtml docs/ -d debian/doctrees docs/build/html

        rm -rf debian/doctrees
Severity: warning
Experimental: false

See also